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Through our comprehensive PSHE curriculum and dedicated teaching approach, we empower our students to navigate their futures confidently. By fostering an understanding of themselves, their environment, and their relationships, we equip them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to lead healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. Our focus on supporting mental health and promoting autonomy prepares students to make informed decisions and advocate for themselves effectively.

We believe in amplifying every student's voice, emphasising communication skills and advocacy through various interactive methods. By nurturing these skills, we ensure that every student reaches their full potential and is equipped with the confidence and resilience to thrive in an ever-changing world.



Drawing from the PSHE Association’s framework and the PSHE Education Planning Framework for Pupils with SEND, our curriculum is crafted to ensure comprehensive coverage of statutory content related to relationships, sex education, and health education.

 In the EYFS, PSHE concepts are embedded within the Understanding the World and Communication strands of the early years framework. As students progress through KS1 to Post-16, structured units provide a cohesive and progressive approach to PSHE education. Notably, as students transition into Post-16, our curriculum aligns with their Preparing for Adulthood EHCP targets, facilitating their journey into adult life.

Our approach to PSHE education is collaborative, involving all staff members in delivering inclusive instruction that caters to individual needs and learning styles. We prioritise flexibility and responsiveness, particularly when addressing sensitive topics like relationships and sex education (RSE), ensuring that our curriculum remains relevant and impactful for our diverse student body.

Operating on a two-year rolling program, our curriculum revisits key areas twice yearly, promoting skill reinforcement and progression. Clear learning outcomes guide teachers in assessing student progress and setting individualised targets. This structured approach, along with continuous assessment, allows students to move along a continuum, acquiring skills suitable for their developmental level.  This is supplemented by our Personal Development, with areas that our students find particularly difficult to generalise and master becoming the focus for bi-weekly themes, promoted through assemblies and school initiatives such as integrated play and social opportunities.

In addition to academic growth, safeguarding our students' is a top priority. Our curriculum integrates proactive safeguarding measures, with safeguarding links highlighted within units to ensure vigilant monitoring. Responsive sessions address concerns promptly, fostering a culture of safety and support within our school community. Empowering students to communicate safeguarding concerns effectively is paramount, facilitated by tailored resources and initiatives.  Our bi-weekly safeguarding meeting highlights any concerns about students that may require additional leaning and these are passed on to the PSHE lead, who will liaise with the teacher to inform a response.

Recognising the crucial role of parental involvement, we maintain close communication with parents through workshops and transparent communication channels. Workshops provide parents with insights into the curriculum and strategies to support their child's learning effectively. Before delivering any Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) content, proactive communication ensures parents are fully informed, promoting a cohesive partnership between home and school.

We employ highly differentiated teaching approaches to accommodate varying developmental stages within our diverse student pathways, including Learning to Learn and Ready to Learn cohorts. Cross-curricular links ensure holistic engagement with PSHE content, aligning with individualised targets and EHCPs.


At Curnow School, we employ a robust assessment system that involves setting individual targets at the beginning of each unit, continuously monitoring progress, and utilising teacher knowledge and insights to track student development effectively. Our collaborative approach involves close communication with previous teachers and the use of Floorbooks within our R2L cohort to ensure comprehensive progress tracking.

Through our comprehensive PSHE curriculum and dedicated teaching approach, we empower our students to navigate their futures confidently. By fostering an understanding of themselves, their environment, and their relationships, we equip them with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to lead healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. Our focus on supporting mental health and promoting autonomy prepares students to make informed decisions and advocate for themselves effectively.

We respect every student's voice, emphasising communication skills and advocacy through various interactive methods. By nurturing these skills, we ensure that every student reaches their full potential and is equipped with the confidence and resilience to thrive in an ever-changing world.

In essence, our PSHE/RSE curriculum empowers students to navigate their futures confidently, equipped with essential life skills and knowledge. By fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment, we aim to nurture well-rounded individuals prepared for success in an ever-changing world. Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that our curriculum remains responsive to the evolving needs of our students, enabling them to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

We communicate through our newsletter to parents about our PSHE offer. Please scan the QR below to look our interactive Padlet, sharing videos, information and resources for parents about the subject and how it is taught in school.