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Key Stage 4 Courses

Curnow School - Key Stage 4 Courses

Our key Stage 4 pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which is divided into Core subjects and the Preparing for Adult areas of learning. (See below). This provides our pupils with the opportunity to continue to develop key skills whilst ensuring they are fully prepared for their next steps in education and life after Curnow School.


We ensure that all pupils have access to appropriate and challenging accreditation and we use ASDAN personal Progress and ASDAN Life skills challenge to recognise the achievements and progress are pupils are making. For more information, please contact Rob Armstrong –

ASDAN Personal Progress

The new suite of ASDAN Personal Progress (PP) qualifications have been designed to address the needs of learners with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), working at Entry 1 or below. The qualifications ensure that all learners are given the same opportunities to access appropriate and relevant education to develop new skills and improve their life outcomes.

All Key Stage 4 pupils will also have the opportunity to complete their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award