Bolingey Barbarians turn up in a fire engine!

We had a great visit from The Bolingey Barbarians yesterday (some arriving in a fire engine which was a great surprise!) for them to see how an eye gaze works and the power that it has for our students' communication and independence. Santi was an absolute superstar, demonstrating perfectly how it can be used for games and for communicating his needs. At one point during the visit he requested that Jenny sing Old Macdonald, and when he asked her to sing louder she was joined by a concert of Barbarian voices!
The Barbarians had generously agreed to fund a school eye gaze that can be used to support requests for individual devices and make our lessons as inclusive as possible.
Some of the Barbarians had a go on some of the games themselves, quickly realising how much concentration and stamina is needed when using an eye gaze.
The visit was a great success for both parties, giving the Barbarians a chance to witness first hand the power of their fund raising, and giving the school a chance to thank them for the hard work and effort that they put in over the season, continuing the true spirit of barbarian rugby, supporting children’s charities in Cornwall.