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Brooks Traffic Light Training

Staff Training Update.

We are very pleased to be able to report that Neilssa Meakin, Beccy Daber and Sam Murray have undertaken training to enable us to use the Brooks Traffic Light Tool.  This tool allows us to assess risky and sexualised behaviours in a way that takes into account the age and stage of students and gives it a rating that will inform the course of action to take.  Risks are assessed as Green - these behaviours are usually age/stage appropriate and may open up teaching and learning opportunities.  Orange - these behaviours would signal a need for further monitoring or investigation and Red behaviours - these behaviours are of a more serious nature and will require action.  They may relate to behaviours that are harmful to self or others or indicate harm to a child.

As always we are happy to answer any questions that you have about the tool.  We are pleased to be able to add this to our safeguarding knowledge, allowing us to maintain the highest standards when keeping your children safe.